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Proxy timeout when streaming with video widget · Issue
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2020-7-2 · Dynamic manifests ¶. Specify a proxy for Unified VOD/LIVE for fetching the server manifest file. This is useful for dynamically updating options like DRM settings, encryption keys, enable/disable playout that are managed by your CMS.
Proxy timeout when streaming with video widget · Issue Proxy timeout when streaming with video widget #4873. HentschelT opened this issue Jan 8, 2018 · 30 comments Comments. Copy link Quote reply HentschelT commented Jan 8, 2018 • HTTP Proxy — Unified Streaming 2020-7-2 · Dynamic manifests ¶. Specify a proxy for Unified VOD/LIVE for fetching the server manifest file. This is useful for dynamically updating options like DRM settings, encryption keys, enable/disable playout that are managed by your CMS. Proxy7.club | Youtube Proxy - Watch videos via proxy site Default proxy youtube on UK Proxy would be Youtube GB. If you have issues browsing Youtube on the proxy, please let us know at admin at pre proxy dot com. Proxy issues regarding Facebook, Twitter or video streaming, can also be reported on the same email.