Re: Can't ping the default gateway The router does not have a route back to the server. You can try to test ping source FastEthernet0/0.1, if it fails this is the issue.
GATEWAY= ping yields "Destination Host Unreachable" route -n [code] Kernel IP routing table Destination Gateway Genmask Flags Metric Ref Use Iface U 0 0 0 eth0 I can ping pfSense fine, I'm trying to ping my Cisco ADSL router that is the default gateway for the LAN. I'd be surprised if it were a pfSense firewall for two reasons 1 - The firewall rules wouldn't change from when I'm at work to when I'm at home, so I'd expect the same behaviour at both locations The goal is to ping the gateway. The gateway can be pinged from other interfaces in the same routing instance as well as from interfaces in other routing interfaces (including the one traffic comes in on) but not from hosts that are connected to those interfaces even though routes exist and appear to be correct. Your router will be the default gateway if not then your machine will not have internet connection and only limited access (Local Only). Also what is the make/model of your router? Some router models support a feature which blocks ICMP requests (Ping) therefore it could be possible that you are experiencing this.
May 31, 2018 · Now the problem is i cant ping from any vm to their default gateway except two VMs. first vm is on vlan 8. second vm is on vlan 3. Both VMs are talking to each other with no issues. but i cant ping from any other vm if i create them on these vlan or any other vlan.
At one location, I am unable to ping to default gateway. The laptop has a wireless device in addition to the standard network interface. I have DHCP enabled. Windows Firewall is disabled. TCP/IP
I have a virtual network which is vmnet2 using the network, I want my Linux server to be able to ping the default gateway. I have set the Linux eth1 values to be IPADDR=""
The goal is to ping the gateway. The gateway can be pinged from other interfaces in the same routing instance as well as from interfaces in other routing interfaces (including the one traffic comes in on) but not from hosts that are connected to those interfaces even though routes exist and appear to be correct.