git config --global credential.helper store When running this command, the first time you pull or push from the remote repository, you'll get asked about the username and password. Afterwards, for consequent communications with the remote repository you don't have to provide the username and password.

git config --global credential.helper store When running this command, the first time you pull or push from the remote repository, you'll get asked about the username and password. Afterwards, for consequent communications with the remote repository you don't have to provide the username and password. Start using Git on the command line | GitLab Initialize a local directory for Git version control. If you have an existing local directory that you want … gitconfig files - Azure Repos | Microsoft Docs

git config --global "" git config --global "Bob Smith" As to what to put here specifically, that's up to you. Keep in mind, however, where the git project resides. If the Git project resides on GitHub, BitBucket,

Git - First-Time Git Setup These variables can be stored in three different places: /etc/gitconfig file: Contains values applied to every user on the system and all their repositories. If you pass the ~/.gitconfig or ~/.config/git/config file: Values specific personally to you, the user. You can make Git read and write How to show or change your Git username or email address Jul 08, 2020

Configure Git — The Linux Kernel documentation

$ git config --global "Bob" $ git config --global "" Now if you try to push to the repository you will be asked for a username and password. Enter the login credentials you are trying to switch to.